About Heavy Truck and Equipment Wholesalers

Heavy Truck And Equipment Wholesalers is nothing but dealers that have figured out that they can communicate with each other and share information with each other that will make their jobs a whole lot easier and less time consuming by doing so. HTAEW.COM is all about equipment dealers and wholesale. HTAEW.COM is not about any big company with a lot of people to support, but is about a community of truck people. TRUCKS and TRAILERS and WHOLESALE is what we are all about.

HTAEW.Com is made up of "truck people." We have been buying and selling used equipment for many years, and understand the business and its requirements. With the advent of the internet as a more efficient means of communicating and doing business, we created HTAEW.com so that truck & trailer dealers can also use this technology to do business more effectively.

Our vision at HTAEW.com is to be the premier dealer network for buying and selling wholesale trucks & trailers, and for providing access to information that will help subscribing dealers do this more quickly and efficiently.

We will continue to expand the site, and add features that will be beneficial to dealers. Your feed-back is appreciated, and we will listen to our member dealers' requests for additions or improvements to the site. This is an e-community of used truck & trailer dealers, and communities function best when all contribute!

Licensed dealers, register at our site, or over the phone - but register today.

Copyright © 2000 - 2024 Heavy Truck And Equipment Wholesalers
Site maintained by HTAEW.com
Patent Pending